Tips for using the LEGO® Serious Play® method with dysfunctional teams

Teams who play together tend to stick together. 

That sounds trite but research demonstrates that team-building and bonding is a key way in which teams create stronger engagement amongst themselves. In fact, one of the questions that the Gallup survey asks when it comes to employee engagement is: ‘Do you have a best friend at work?’ 

“Women who strongly agree they have a best friend at work are more than twice as likely to be engaged (63%) compared with the women who say otherwise (29%).”

Why We Need Best Friends at Work

Unfortunately, not all teams develop this sense of trust and belonging and don’t perform to high standards. 

So, how can the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology make a difference? 

  • As individuals build their models and enter into a state of ‘flow’ they tend to be far more open to expressing their true insights and points of view.  Whatever usually remains ‘backstage’ comes out ‘front-stage’ the more participants move their hands and build their own models. 
  • As the bricks are placed on the table, the reminders of childhood and the joy of play tend to drop barriers that participants might have built up over time because of conflict or lack of trust.  As the bricks entice participants to enter a new state of mind, they are more prepared to share their thoughts in an authentic way. 
  • A session built on the principles that form the bedrock of the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology, opens participants up to discussion on a deeper level. Although the session starts as fun and there is lightness and laughter, the session does become serious.  The great part is that no one talks directly at anyone else – all discussion references back to the models which reduces the potential for conflict. 
  • 100% of the participants express their views and ideas.  No loud mouths dominate the conversation.  Everyone’s perspective is just as valued as everyone else’s.  No hierarchical views come in: the leader’s views are equal in value to those of a team member.  What a different dynamic! 
  • Often team members find it challenging to put their finger on what has caused the conflict or lack of performance in the team.  As they build their models, they surprise themselves as their stories become so rich and expressive. Notions and concepts that are often hard to describe find a way of being portrayed through the bricks.  What is metaphorical now has substance and a story that others in the team listen to and appreciate. 

The LEGO® Serious Play® methodology is a gift that keeps on giving.  There are countless ways in which you can apply the process to achieve team success. 

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