Want a productive remote conversation – include the LEGO® Serious Play® method.

We’ve all been there – a loudmouth dominates in the Zoom or Teams meeting and there is very little true conversation.

If we want a productive exchange of ideas or information, we cannot have one person who takes over.  That becomes a lecture.

Particularly if there are native English speakers as well as others who might not have English as their first language. We want everyone to be engaged and not just those who are more confident or assertive.

Enter the LEGO® Serious Play® method! Why does it work in a remote conversation?

  • It’s an engaging and interactive way of creating a balanced discussion. It’s a way of levelling the playing field because it operates on the principle that everyone builds their own model and everyone tells the story of what they have built. No one is left out. No one’s voice is louder or more important than the next person’s.
  • The method is based on story-telling. That makes it more interesting for listeners to follow what is being expressed. That in turn helps dial up the engagement by ensuring that everyone is heard.  It’s also an easy way to ask questions about the perspectives and opinions of other team members.
  • The method has a playful side to it. It’s a powerful way of creating an atmosphere that is more comfortable and open so that there is less alienation and psychological distance in the team.
  • No one has to announce that it is their turn to speak. The process ensures that everyone has about the same amount of time to speak. Equal participation is an important aspect of true collaboration.  By following the methodology, this happens naturally in a virtual session based on the LEGO® Serious Play® process.
  • There is less time to focus on anything other than what is happening in the conversation. No time to check your phone or to see what emails have come in. The stories and the conversation encourage all participants to lean in, hear and appreciate the input of others.

And what’s more, it doesn’t take much more effort to set up a session in this way. Send a small pack of bricks out to participants and observe the immediate change in your remote meetings.

Ensure that you are trained in using the LEGO® Serious Play® method to be able to structure your sessions so that they lead to successful outcomes.

Want to be able to apply this amazing methodology on a daily basis? Become a certified facilitator. Click here to see our course options.

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