Yes, The LEGO® Serious Play® process works in a webinar format!

This is one of the questions we get asked all the time – can I use the LEGO® Serious Play® process in a virtual setting such as during a Teams of Zoom meeting.

The answer is YES. 

Here’s why it works so well:

  • People working remotely love receiving something tangible and physical.  The downside is that there are some logistics involved in mailing out the physical bricks.  But the reward is huge!  Participants’ eyes light up and there is a feeling of excitement that they are doing something different during a meeting.
  • It is completely possible for each participant to use the bricks to build their own individual models as they would during an in-person session.  Picture what this would look like:
  • Each person grabs a handful of their bricks and starts to build a model that includes an expression of their ideas and points of view.
    • They then take turns to hold up their models to the camera and tell the story of what they have built.
    • Other participants are able to ask them further questions and gain clarification.
    • There is a general debrief around what the stories were and what other people noticed about the models.

It’s as simple as that. 

All cameras need to be turned on. Microphones are enabled when each participant takes a turn to speak to describe their models and give meaning to them.

They key to success of the virtual session is ensuring that the flow works well and that the participants are all engaged.  The way in which the session is structured is important so that there is still a sense of psychological safety for people to express their true thoughts.

The benefits are clear:

Every single person builds and every person tells their story.  There is therefore total inclusiveness which is one of the enormous benefits of the process.

All voices are heard and no one has time to play on their phone or do a few emails during the session.  Everyone is totally present.

It is challenging to form the collective story when everyone is in a virtual environment.  It is possible to find work-arounds and we explore this in more detail during the Play4Business training program.  We use photos and whiteboards to create a deep and meaningful conversation. 

Certainly, by using the LEGO® Serious Play® method in virtual meetings, you are far more likely to be creative than simply hold a talkfest where not everyone participates actively. 

Break through that ‘Zoom fatigue’. Be bold and try something that sparks the imagination and creates a way of communicating with team members through using an innovative tool.

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