Behind the scenes – designing effective elearning

Take a sneak peek behind the scenes in terms of how we design our elearning modules.

We use rapid design processes to ensure that the learning reaches the audience as soon as possible, in their moment of need.

  • We get the brief:

We determine what the group needs to know and do in order to perform at higher levels.

What will give them the skills, knowledge and behaviours that they need that align with the organization’s overall mission and value system.

What is the purpose of the training and how will the impact be measured?

  • We enter a discovery phase:

We listen to the end users and everyone else in the eco-system that needs to have their say.

We want to know what their insights are so that we design with the end users in mind.

  • We create a skeleton outline:

We ensure that the module flows well in a logical way.

Does it include all the ‘need to know’ instructions, information and data?

Does the learner follow easily so that the learning embeds easily.

  • We make it visual and appeal to all learning styles:

We develop a strong mix of all forms of learning so that the learner controls how they learn.

This includes – links to websites, video content, downloadable PDF, interactive sections to engage the users and imagery that helps to embed the key learnings.

  • We pilot and finalise

We take feedback and make adjustments.

We want the material out in the team so that they begin to learn immediately.

We’ve been doing this for over 15 years – that means we have the insights to prove that what we are doing makes a difference on these metrics:

  • Higher levels of adoption by team members and their leaders.
  • Better individual performance post-training.
  • Improved overall engagement with the organization.
  • Less staff attrition.

Click here to stet up a time to discuss your learning needs for your leaders or team members with us.

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